December 9, 2021

How to Run CBD and Hemp Ads on Facebook in 2022

How to Run CBD and Hemp Ads on Facebook in 2022

Many people have attempted to promote CBD on Facebook, but most advertisements are not successful due to disapproval, which causes suspension of their marketing account. Even while CBD is not in the "drug category" in many places, especially in most states, Facebook's public policies prohibit the sale of "unauthorized, prescription, or leisure substances."

Though many advertisements can indirectly advocate CBD products, this method still requires knowledge before marketing CBD on social media. To that end, we'll go into the issue of CBD advertising on Facebook while analyzing the realities of paid advertising.


The CBD Advertising Policy on Facebook: What It Is and What It Isn't

Although hemp-derived CBD is acceptable in most states, some limitations still exist:

The irony of this kind of situation is that Facebook's public ad guidelines include no discussion of CBD. It does, however, have a policy that expressly prohibits CBD advertisements and other FDA-approved hemp items. Facebook's concealed regulation goes above US relevant laws, and the repercussions are severe. Even CBD merchants' Facebook ad profiles are in permanent termination. To avoid getting trapped by Facebook, you can still launch CBD advertising, but only with broad descriptions of your items that do not include the names of your products or mention CBD. Facebook's CBD advertising policies are open to new ideas, according to the company.

Policies are also subject to change over time, which is reasonable in the correct context, given that cannabis was outlawed in every state in the country years ago. That's a far cry from today when many areas have legalized consumer use of cannabis and several have enacted medical marijuana legislation. As a result, Facebook continues to solicit feedback on its rules and how open they may be. Facebook could be the most effective way to get new customers. However, it has been biasing discreetly against CBD companies. One of the saddest parts is the taking down of pages owned by business owners without having the chance to defend their cause or do anything since Facebook is not government-regulated.


Ideas on how to keep your CBD ad from being banned from Facebook

We'll explore some of the solutions to how CBD businesses get their social advertising strategies approved in this piece.

Develop a suitable homepage

This method entails the building of a relevant landing page for actual campaign clearance. This technique also applies to link introductions from that domain to your official website to boost sales throughout your whole product line and convey your complete brand story. The primary danger is that Facebook's bots can re-crawl to your ad page after they're approved. If this ever happens, possibilities are the detection of your account and removal of your advertisements. To put it another way, you're essentially gambling how long your advertising takes before Facebook takes it down.

Eliminate all references to CBD products and launch a product campaign instead

This method emphasizes compliance over sales conversions and is better for firms that aim to prevent any Facebook issues and can afford longer sales cycle. This tip is especially advantageous for brands that operate with algorithmic campaigns and newsletters through emails. You can use this in social media to drive awareness and then proceed to leads through funnel conversions on channels other than platforms like Facebook and Instagram. You may not be able to market things or communicate clearly about the quality of your goods, but through product campaigns, you can raise sales and develop for retargeting, which could result in premature sales in the future.

Focus Your Ecommerce Website on CBD Topicals by Segmenting It

Facebook does not always adhere to its own publicly stated CBD advertising regulations, and ads for CBD topicals are frequently rejected automatically by bots. Though CBD topical sales increase does not guarantee instant marketing success, it could result in sales number goals and help in decreasing expected purchases for the promotion.



We hope we were helpful with these methods. Do remember that though these can be effective, Facebook still has the final say when it comes to approval. These are only ideas and guides to help your business. The result depends purely on the goal of your firm and your ultimate strategies. 

For more techniques and methods, come and sign up at Boostify. If you want to know more about social media optimization and how it works, we're open to discussing it on a call. Discover how you can make the most out of your ad spend at an affordable cost!